Week 5 Updates: Module 5 What are cutting-edge HT technologies?

Good morning! In the next two Modules, we will dive into high-throughput sequencing and some of its applications. We will discuss an article that will help you prepare for a case study (designed by Dr.S specifically for this class) next week!

Lab Project Updates

Milestone 2 is due today!

Today is the submission goal for your first draft of your JoVE manuscript as Milestone 2 of the Lab Project. You are making fantastic progress! After submitting your draft for peer review, we will email another group’s draft for you to review and complete a Peer-Review Feedback worksheet for Milestone 3. Don’t forget to post to the forum your group’s update and email us a brief summary of your teamwork.

Milestone 3 is due next Monday

Scientific research depends on collaboration and communication skills including the peer-review process. We have modeled our Peer-Review Feedback worksheet off of the JoVE manuscript peer-review questions for their publication process! All students must complete their own peer review worksheets. This will be a valuable experience to practice giving constructive feedback and to learn from one another. Giving quality constructive feedback can be a challenge so give yourself time not to rush through this assignment and approach this with kindness!

You are each responsible for completing a peer-review worksheet independently for the draft your team will be assigned. This way when you receive your feedback on Monday next week, you will have at least 3 different sources of feedback on your work to use to improve your project. This allows us to see our work from multiple diverse perspectives! And as always, if something is unclear to you at any time during the peer-review process we encourage you to reach out to us! 

You can find the Peer-Review worksheet here: Group Project Peer-Review Assignment 

As always, reach out if you have any questions or if you are in need of a little grace to finish Module 5!


What are cutting-edge HT technologies?  We are going to start addressing this question by reviewing high-throughput or next-generation sequencing (“NGS) and its many applications. We will then review a single-cell genomics application and search for other uses of high-throughput sequencing, paying particular attention to the throughput and technologies used as well as the advantages and limitations.

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Describe applications of HT sequencing technologies. (CO 1)
  2. Explain the methodology of a novel HT screening procedure and its utility in discovery. (CO 5)
  3. Identify and evaluate a cutting-edge screen. (CO 1, 4, 6)

To complete this module, you will need to: 

  • Watch Module 5 video.
  • Respond to the Comprehension Check questions for Module 5.
  • Participate in Forum 5 for JoVE 3 article.
  • Complete second milestone for the group project: first draft for peer review.
    • Begin Peer Review for Milestone 3 deadline next week on 2/14.
  • BIT 579: submit a draft of NSF GRFP proposals for peer review.
Dr.S dancing with excitement to learn about High Throughput Sequencing approaches
Dr. S Bitmoji. Dr.S dancing with excitement to learn about High Throughput Sequencing approaches
Bitmoji of Dr. G studying High Throughput Sequencing approaches safely in his office.
DrG Bitmoji. Bitmoji of Dr. G studying High Throughput Sequencing approaches safely in his office.


Your HTD Instructional Team