Week 4 Updates: Module 4 What compounds are available?

Good afternoon! This week we will explore the concept of chemical space and compound screening. In this week’s case study we will discuss the BIT Program’s favorite protein of interest, CaMPARI, as it will help you prepare for the group project. 

Last week you worked in groups to complete Milestone 1 for the Group Project. Milestone 2 is due in 1 week on Monday, February 7th. These drafts will be exchanged for peer review and the more detail you can add, the better feedback you can receive. We would also like to acknowledge that it is expected to be a ROUGH draft at this stage; perfection is the enemy of progress. As a reminder, each week your group for the projects will have two communication and equity tasks: 

  • Post an update to the forum to let others know how your JoVE manuscript project is developing. In 3-5 sentences explain what your group has done and is working on.
  • Send an email to Drs. S and G briefly explaining how your group has worked as a team. Let us know early if you need assistance sharing equitable workloads and working together. Being proactive and asking for help are valuable job skills!

As always, reach out if you have any questions or if you are in need of a little grace to finish Module 4!


Your HTD Instructional Team

Dr. Carlos Goller | email: ccgoller@ncsu.edu Dr. Carly Sjogren | email: casjogre@ncsu.edu