Module 6, Dr. Hentz, and next Module


Good morning! I hope you are staying healthy and doing ok despite the stress of courses and other duties and challenges. I realize you are all putting in a lot of effort and appreciate your thoughtful comments on the forum, careful edits of your papers, and questions. 

Dr. Hentz answered a question on the Padlet forum: Check it out, as this topic has come up a couple of times.

Finish this week by considering high-throughput or high-content microscopy and the Allen Institute Cell Explorer dataset. Next week we will review, reflect, and connect ideas and themes that have appeared frequently during the course.

Your group projects are coming along and I look forward to your portfolios. Think about a topic that interests you and dig into it. Focus on explaining the material to someone else, but start with learning objectives so that you know your goals.

Take care!


HT Imaging: Does Organelle Shape Matter? Case study
Rendering of eukaryotic cell with title in purple: “Does Organelle Shape Matter? Exploring Patterns in Cell Shape and Structure with High-throughput Imaging”