By Carlos C. GollerModule 4: What compounds are available? Good afternoon! In this module, we explore the concept of chemical space and compound screening. In this week’s case... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerModule 3: How can we automate an assay for speed and reproducibility? In this quest, we will define microfluidics, screening center, liquid handler, and virtual... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerStudents enrolled in BIT 579 are expected to complete a research proposal that incorporates a high throughput (HT) experimental approach. This BIT 579 Project research proposal is... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerHello BIT 479/579 High-throughput (HT) Scholars! We are excited to welcome you back and have our second lab session tomorrow, Tuesday from 12:50-5:50 PM! Module... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerHello students! We are excited to have our first in-person lab session on Tuesday from 12:50-5:50 PM! Remember that even though our lectures are officially...