By Carlos C. GollerCourse grades have been submitted! We want to thank all of you for your enthusiasm and dedication. You brought energy, ideas, and experience. You were... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerIt is the last day of classes for the Spring 2023 Semester! Thank you for sharing ideas and asking questions to learn together about high-throughput... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerTeams worked together to plan, design, improve, and record the workflow for your high-throughput experiments. Thank you for your energy and ideas! We are excited... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerGood afternoon! This week we dive into why we need high-throughput sequencing approaches and we will apply HT sequencing approaches to answer research questions. As... |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerGood morning! In the next two Modules, we will dive into high-throughput sequencing and some of its applications. We will discuss an article that will...