By Lukas VainoriusThe National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), part of the
NIH, was established in 2011 to address a critical gap in bringing biomedical research
advances to patients by establishing a research program and developing a workforce
focused on these larger issues in improving health (Haynes et al., 2020). |NC State
By Lukas VainoriusThe SmartChip real-time PCR system is a great example of a novel high throughput technology, specifically in the realm of high throughput quantitative PCR (HT-qPCR). While standard quantitative PCR or digital PCR are widely used microbiological techniques, they are not high throughput because researchers are limited to screening for a specific amplicon |NC State
By Lukas VainoriusWith the population increasing, sustainability is at the forefront of the priority list for this generation’s scientific advances. Metabolic engineering has used yeast to provide meat alternatives, create biodegradable plastic, and synthesize opioids. |NC State
By Lukas VainoriusPowerful tools are one of the main aspects of human life that differentiates us and our societies from the rest of the animal kingdom. Liquid handlers are an example of one such type of tool that allows us to better understand and explore our world. |NC State
By Carlos C. GollerBIT HTD Team! We have carefully reviewed your submissions and provided feedback. All assignment grades have been entered into the Moodle gradebook. Please take a...